The Two Rivers Open Bass Club is open to anyone.
Come fish one tournament or come fish all of them.  There are no club dues, and the meetings are after the weigh-in at the end of each tournament.
You must fish at least 6 tournaments to be eligable to fish the classic.

1st  place with 19.02 pounds was Rob Lawhon & Carey Lawhon

2nd place with 14.09 pounds was Mickey Roach & David Howell who also had big fish weighing 5.97 pounds

3rd place with 12.22 pounds was Craig Parker & Robert Strickland

4th place with 11.58 pounds was Mitchell Lawhon & Ron Collier

                          (No photo's due to pouring rain)

Apalachicola River
$25 per Boat
$5 optional Big Bass Pot
1st Place
3rd Place
2nd Place